Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Most people have heard of botox therapy for cosmetic purposes to get rid of wrinkles. But what exactly is botox and what else is it used for?

Botox = Botulinum Toxin AKA one of the strongest neurotoxins known to man, which is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Basically, it causes complete paralysis of all muscles it comes into contact with and can be lethal if it somehow enters the bloodstream.

Botulinum toxin is so potent that a dose as small as 100-200 nanograms can be lethal to an average human (one nanogram is one billionth of a gram). 4kg of the stuff would be enough to wipe out the entire world's population!!
But Botox has some real Medical Uses:

In Eye Care:Blepharospasms - Spasms of the muscles that control blinking (uncontrolled twitching or blinking)
Strabismus - Eye turns due to over-action of muscles that control eye movement

The effects of Botox last about 4-6 months, so patients would need to have multiple injections per year.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of injections. On average how much does it cost? Is it covered under service plan as well?
